About us

About us

Jai Dhan Akshaya Co-Operative (U) Thirft & Credit Society Ltd.

Dhan Akshaya Society is a Thrift & Credit Cooperative Society registered under the Delhi Cooperative Societies Act 2003. The main goal of establishing this co-operative society is to promote financial freedom among people around us. The Society has its corporate office at Delhi. The norms and rules of working related to the Society have been outlined under the Bye-laws of the Society.

The society strives to make a difference by promoting the spirit and practice of thrift, mutual and self-help and cooperation among the members while simultaneously encouraging regular savings.

We at Dhan Akshaya Society have worked tirelessly to make this society technologically advanced to the extent where our members can get all the neccessory information on their fingertips and their experience of financial transactions becomes seamless and hassle free.


The primary objective of the Society is to uplift the social and economic conditions of its members by promoting saving habits. The products of the Society are in the shape of Daily Deposit, Fixed Deposits, Recurring Deposits, Saving Accounts, and Loans.

Jai Dhan Akshaya Cooperative Thrift & Credit Society Limited strictly abides by the Delhi State Cooperative Society Act 1972, and conducts its business amongst the members of the Society. The Society uses the funds for loans to its members and for investments as per the Cooperative Society Act / Rules / Bye-laws.


The registration, guiding and supervising authority of the Society is the Registrar of Cooperative Societies (RCS), Delhi.

Some Stats

Don’t misread here we have a awesome stats.

1 +
Our Schemes
1 +
Winning Awards
1 +
Society Members
1 +
Loans Approved

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